Finally... Summer, strawberries, tipitent, sand, mosqitoes, cold beers, grill, laughing...U name it :-D
I feel so happy and about 10 kiloes lighter. My god, I was tired at the end of this semester, but now it's over and no work for at least five weeks.
Here is some lovely pics from the beach... couldn't help my self :-)
Today, we miss the sun :-( That means gardening for me, potatoedigging to be precise... Will be lovely for lunch.
Hmmmm, I mean no schoolwork, and a lot of gardening, kitchening, childrening, wathering and so on. I just love it <3 Yesterday we started building a castle for the kids. With a long bridge from the top to a little hill. Fantastic!!! Later the knittingpins will glow... my dear sister invited me to thursday online knittingcafé and a glas of wine. Sure, we are on each our side of oeresund, but we still can drink and cheers ;-D
Been working my *ss off to make a beachflowerbed, this is how far I've gotten...
Been working my *ss off to make a beachflowerbed, this is how far I've gotten...